Saturday, October 24, 2009

friends and family ~ rock solid

So, this is what happens when Gladys comes over and we play!!! The objective of the day was to explore flickr and picnic but somehow we got shanghaied into Picasa. Gladys wanted to know how to collage a series of her pictures and before you know it.... tada! We were away.

This particular collage is not one I will attempt again anytime soon as it took lots of memory (and time) to percolate. But what a fun tool we have found.

The other great thing that happened today (besides having my sister and nieces sing Happy Birthday on my answering machine) was spending time with Gladys made me appreciate how very lucky I am to have such wonderful friends and family (she is actually both!) I totally crawled out of the maudlin little pit I dug for myself last night. I know from experience that time really does heal all wounds; you just have to give yourself the opportunity to feel the grief in order to overcome it.  I think I get that now.

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