Thursday, May 21, 2009

silly to sublime ~ all in one day

Stolen cable we were told is a major problem in the city. You can see by the lines here that it's quite obvious. Many of the building looked like this with miles of cables dripping off them.

I absolutely loved this sign just outside of central park. I don’t know what made this particular area so special.    And yes, everyone honks in this city, especially the cabs. It’s part of the charm. 

As our bus headed into Harlem I caught a shot of this remarkable mural on the side of a building. I wish the car wasn’t in the way. What a shock Harlem was. Not at all what I had expected. It’s a charming part of the city that has undergone gentrification to the extreme. Although I am certain that the bus tours took us to the best and the brightest parts of all the boroughs!

Whatever you have seen or read about Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, you cannot be prepared for the real thing. It takes your breath away with its sheer splendour. It is so large I couldn’t get a picture of the entire building, but I managed to capture some snippets of this incredible site.   The Peace fountain is particularily beautiful.

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